If you are a demoncrat reading this page, Wow! Congrats that you can read! Most kids graduating High School in the future will not be able to read or add or anything as you all are dumbing them down and lowering the Bar for Future Americans. Just watch Jay Walking on the Jay Leno Show! But I digress, if you are reading this, you really need to take a step back and question what is going on in America and ask, "WHAT IF THIS IS WRONG FOR AMERICA???" Yes, you can walk the party line, but what if it is wrong? Are you going to be a Lemming and walk Lock Step off the cliff and let America FAIL??? What if Obama is Lying? What if the Senate and Congress are doing things that WILL BE BAD and WRONG for AMERICA??? If you see someone hit an old lady and knock her down and take her purse, are you the one who runs to help her, runs after the bad guy to try to get her purse back and put him in jail or do you just watch or turn your back and walk away? This is what is happening right now! America is 233 years old, She has been knocked down by the 3 Houses of her Government and they have stolen her Purse! What are you going to do about it? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? Wow! There is no Conspiracy here! Well, except that of our Government making deals behind closed doors, bribing Senators and Congressional Representatives to win their votes. Should we get whatever we can at any cost as LAW in America or Get what is good and right for all Americans? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? So, what if what they are doing is not only Wrong for America, but also hurts you as an American? Party affiliation or status will not matter. If you are not a Politician, you will have higher taxes, be paying more for your bills and groceries and Healthcare so that people who do not work will get it all free! That's what this is really all about. The Government with the Unions have made it hard and are making it harder for businesses to hire and pay people and makes everything more expensive than it really has to be. People want to create businesses which create jobs which creates money in the economy which creates more jobs, but Unions and the Government bowing down to the Unions halt all this and make it hard for these Americans trying to be productive, and create products and live the American Dream! We have been an Awesome Country and can still be, but where is my American Dream? What incentive do I have to create businesses? What incentive do I have to create Jobs? What incentive do I have to be Productive? I can get it all for free because YOU work and PAY ALL my bills! This is where we are going with this. Where are the Unions going to get Members if you can just get it all for free and sit at home and not work and still benefit? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? It's not about Republican Vs. demoncrat, or Conservative Vs. Liberal, it's about RIGHT Vs. WRONG!!! It's about GOOD Vs. BAD!!! Should we get whatever we can at any cost as LAW in America or Get what is good and right for all Americans? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? Should we just sit back and allow these people to run our Great Country into the ground? People need to stand up and take our Country back!!! This is what I am doing about it. These are my questions about it! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?
Mr President, what if YOU are WRONG???
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